Thursday 14 July 2011

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Angular Acceleration

      When we switch on an electric fan, we notice that its angular velocity goes on increasing. We say that it has an angular acceleration ( change in velocity called acceleration ). Angular acceleration can be defined as "the rate of change of angular velocity". If ωi and ωf are the values of instantaneous velocity of a rotating body at instants ti and tf, the average angular acceleration during the interval tf-ti is given by

       The instantaneous angular acceleration is the limit of the ratio as approaches zero. Therefore, instantaneous angular acceleration is given by

      The angular acceleration is also a vector quantity whose magnitude is given by the above equation and whose direction is along the axis of rotation, given by right hand rule. Angular acceleration is expressed in units of /.

Angular Velocity

            Very often we are interested in knowing how fast or how slow a body is rotating. It is determined by its angular velocity which is defined as "the rate at which the angular displacement is changing with time". Referring to figure given below, if ∆Ѳ is the angular displacement during the time interval ∆t, the average velocity ωav during this interval is given by,

        The instantaneous angular velocity ω is the limit of the ratio ∆Ѳ/∆t as ∆t, following instant t, approaches to zero.

        In limit when ∆t approaches zero, the angular displacement would be infinitesimally small, so it would be a vector quantity and the angular velocity as defined by the above equation would also be a vector. Its direction is along the axis of rotation and is given by right hand rule.

Angular velocity (ω) is measured in radians per second which is SI unit. Sometimes it is also given in terms of revolution per minute.

Units of Angular Displacement

          Three units are generally used to express angular displacement, namely degrees, revolution and radian. We are familiar with the first two. As regards radian which is SI unit, consider an arc of length S of a circle of radius r which subtends an angle Ѳ at that center of the circle given in radians (rad) as shown in the figure given below:


       If OP is rotating, the point P covers a distance in one revolution of P. In radian it would be,

1 revolution =